
D E T A C H   A N D   E N G A G E

Creating a truly beneficial impact means taking time to step back, reflect, and recharge. Executive leadership retreats are a leader’s opportunity for time to think, plan, and design their most valuable impact. This is especially effective for senior executive leaders trying to align a team or initiate a culture change.

P O W E R F U L   C O N V E R S A T I O N S   I N   A   R E L A X E D   S P A C E

The retreat style is highly interactive, encouraging participants to create the type of powerful conversations they usually don’t have at the office. The group is encouraged to stretch for outcomes that they really care about and have fun collaborating in this relaxed, creative time.

E X E C U T I V E   T H I N K   T I M E ®

Leadership retreats utilize the Executive Think Time® 4 step model, which helps executives optimize their think time for maximum impact.

R E T R E A T   T O P I C S

  • Strategic Planning
  • New Business Growth
  • Team Development
  • Influence
  • Other topics customized to your group


  • Customized
    Fits your team’s goals and needs
  • Team Size
    Best for 5–20 leaders or a leadership team
  • Engagement
    Usually 1–2 days
  • Venue
    Offsite at a cool location

"Working with Val Williams as a coach has and will continue to provide me, my team, and my organization with tremendous dividends for years to come. Val uses a method driven coaching process that was completely customized to my needs as leader. Val’s coaching model, unparalleled support, open access, and breadth of experience have helped me clarify my purpose as a leader. I now have the tools to ensure a high level of engagement from my team, enhance their development, fuel the success of individuals, and deliver best-in-class results."

JF, Director of Marketing, Pharmaceutical Company