I am a recovering High Achiever…

So I can say from experience that we High Achievers are very proud to identify with the High Achiever title. We work hard, accomplish a lot, have very high standards, are pretty confident (generally), and create a track record of success.

However, at a certain point High Achievers (especially High Achiever executives) hit a wall that they did not expect. It’s a subtle wall at first. You are still a successful leader. You are super busy doing important work; but in spite of the fast pace, you feel slightly bored. You have accomplished quite a lot, every year, but somehow, it’s starting to feel like something is missing.  You don’t feel as alive as you once did. And although you are making impact, you secretly know that you are capable of making much greater impact. But for some reason, it’s just not happening in the way you would like.

What High Achievers often don’t realize is that the very identity of High Achiever has some built-in blind spots…some things that in all our accomplishment, we just don’t see.
Three big blindspots are:

  1. We don’t really notice that the High Achiever game is actually a very small game. (Whaaaat?)
  2. We assume we can play the High Achiever game indefinitely, right?
  3. And at the senior executive levels, the High Achiever game actually gets in the way of having our maximum impact.

Here are a few short video clips (1-3 minutes each) from my conversation with CEO Jim Selman. Join us as we explore:

    • Blind Spot #1:
      Why the High Achiever game is a small game.

    • Blind Spot #2:
      Playing the High Achiever game indefinitely is limiting. Here is how executives can shift out of the High Achiever identity to a new identity.

    • Blind Spot #3:
      The High Achiever game can get in the way in having our maximum impact. Therefore, High Achievers have to make the distinction between Accomplishment and Self-worth.

And if you are ready to graduate from the High Achiever game…What’s the next game to play?

The next game to play is called “The Art of Beneficial Impact”. More on that to come….